Adding an ease-in/hold keyframe to an expression
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2007-02-17 14:52:55 UTC
Is this possible? I'd want an effect to slow and hold at a certain point on a layer.
2007-02-18 16:53:56 UTC
It's possible, but the implementation would depend greatly on the what exactly you are trying to do, and it would certainly be more complicated that simply adjusting the curves on the motion graph to get the same result. Why is it you need this to be done with an expression?
2007-02-18 17:22:16 UTC
Hey Aaron,

This is a flying bird animation, made from Photoshop layers, but it has to ease-in to an end position where the bird lands in a logo of which it is part. It doesn't have to be done with an expression, I was just curious. Since I asked this question I have found out more about sliders and looping expressions from just a couple of keyframes, so I think I've learned a bit, just trying to get my arms around expressions beyond the basic ones I know.
2007-02-21 22:00:06 UTC
Hey Chris,

Maybe this will give you an idea. I did this on a new/solid to see how it works.. Found it under the arrow (expression language menu)/Interpolation/EaseIn

add expression to position.
[(easeIn(time/3, 100, 200)), 243]

Also, not sure if it's relevant for this situation, but checkout jjgriffon's expression site (do a yahoo search for it). Under the frequency examples, he shows how to slow a pendulum swing down to nothing.
2007-02-22 13:18:43 UTC
Hey David, thanks for this, sounds good.
