2006-11-28 19:19:11 UTC
When working with a 3D comp in After Effects, does anyone know if it's possible to obtain the 2D position onscreen of a 3D layer (for example, a Null object)? I want to add a lense flare effect to a 3D comp and positioning information for the effect can only be supplied in X-Y coordinates (2D).
I imagine this could be achieved with Expressions, but so far I've not found any methods that seem to handle this kind of translation. My knowledge of 3D math is pretty minimal unfortunately. I'm hoping there's an inbuilt method somewhere. Any ideas?
I imagine this could be achieved with Expressions, but so far I've not found any methods that seem to handle this kind of translation. My knowledge of 3D math is pretty minimal unfortunately. I'm hoping there's an inbuilt method somewhere. Any ideas?